Helping Injured Workers in Southwest Virginia for Over Two Decades.

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So far The Moses Law Firm has created 32 blog entries.

Kids’ Chance – An Opportunity for Scholarships for Children of Injured Workers!

There is an important and exciting opportunity now available for students from the ages of 16 – 25 whose parent’s work related injury event has caused a significant decline in family income and circumstances. Kids’ Chance of Virginia, Inc. was founded in 2011 with the goal of awarding academic scholarships to deserving children who [...]

By |2021-02-28T20:08:32+00:00October 21st, 2016|Benefits, videos, Workers Compensation|0 Comments

What are Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE)?

When your treating physician feels that you have reached maximum medical improvement (MMI) they may send you for a Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) to determine your permanent work restrictions.  These are done when your physician recognizes that you have not returned to where you were prior to your work injury, but other than ongoing maintenance [...]

By |2020-06-11T12:18:21+00:00October 21st, 2016|Medical, videos, Workers Compensation|0 Comments

Why Your Insurance Carrier is NOT Your Advocate

Attorney Brenda Moses discusses workers' compensation from the insurance carrier's perspective. Most insurance carriers are for profit corporations reporting back to shareholders.  The job of a workers’ compensation claims adjuster is to minimize and control costs on a case, which means denying medical treatment, wage replacement benefits, or the entire case if possible.  The [...]

By |2020-06-11T12:18:48+00:00October 20th, 2016|videos, Workers Compensation|Comments Off on Why Your Insurance Carrier is NOT Your Advocate

Why Your Employer is NOT Your Advocate

Attorney Brenda Moses discusses workers' compensation from your employer's perspective. Your employer doesn’t have to help you, and the insurance carrier probably won’t.  The insurance carrier is a for profit company reporting back to shareholders, and their job is to pay as little as possible on a case.   The interests of the insurance [...]

By |2020-06-11T12:19:04+00:00October 20th, 2016|videos, Workers Compensation|Comments Off on Why Your Employer is NOT Your Advocate

Why Do You Need a Lawyer?

Attorney Brenda Moses discusses why you may need a lawyer to help you with your workers' compensation claim. People tend to come to us when they run into trouble with the insurance carriers or their employers.  Even in an accepted case, there are a great many problems that can and do arise, from wage [...]

By |2020-06-11T12:19:18+00:00October 20th, 2016|videos, Workers Compensation|Comments Off on Why Do You Need a Lawyer?
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